Roy Douglas Van Duzen was born July 23, 1946 in Springfield, Illinois to parents Claudine and Roy Van Duzen.
A few weeks after Doug was born he caught pneumonia. The Riverton (Illinois) doctor came to the house and left a small amount of medicine and said to give him a call if the baby was still alive in the morning. That wasn't good enough for his Great-Grandpa, Adam Rheude.
Adam and his lady friend, who was a midwife, got together and with a bag of onions and a bottle of whiskey, they set about making little Doug healthy. For quite a few days they laid poultices on Doug and gave him whiskey baths. It worked!
Doug married Ann Harris. Doug and Anne had two children.
Shortly after their youngest child was born Doug moved his family to California.
On July 1, 1986 Doug lost his battle with cancer and passed away. |